With Windsor’s notable diversity and a substantial number of newcomers to Canada, the city is particularly vulnerable to being targeted by hate crimes.
The initiative seeks to mobilize and empower residents to take a proactive stance against hate-motivated crimes, ultimately creating safer and more inclusive neighborhoods in the City of Windsor.
This project will ultimately work towards the prevention of hate crimes through public education, while simultaneously offering group space for support by those directly impacted by occurrences of hate crime(s).
To learn more about the project or to book a session, connect with project coordinator:
Avery Piazza
apiazza@thesafetyvillage.com | 519 – 796 – SAFE (7233)
- A hate crime is defined as a criminal violation motivated by hate, based on race, national or ethnic origin, language, colour, religion, sex, age, mental or physical disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or any other similar factor.
- Example: A person commits criminal mischief by spray painting a Swastika and hateful messages on the side of a building.
- A hate-motivated incident may be motivated by the same factors as a hate crime, but does not reach the threshold of a criminal offence. These incidents may include name calling, racial insults, or the distribution of material containing hateful language.
- Example: A person yells a slur at someone and tells them “go back to your country.”
Reporting—no matter how minor something may seem—can help police better target crime prevention efforts in communities. It can help identify trends and, most importantly, prevent a possible escalation towards violence.
The Windsor Police Service offers reporting in over 200 languages via translation services. These services are only available by calling the Windsor Police E911 Centre at 519-258-6111.